California White Sage use cleanses an area and pushes out negative energy.
The burning of white sage for emotional, physical, and spiritual purification is a common practice among many religious, spiritual, and healing groups. California white sage meaning is seen to be purifying, used to purify the body, mind and spirit.
White sage has been used for centuries as a holy herb to cleanse the air of negative energies, unwanted presences, and dark matter. When burned, sage releases negatively charged ions that cause all forms of pollution to drop out of the air (says you should always vacuum after burning sage!) California white sage use can be done in the form of white sage tea, white sage bundles, and white sage smudge sticks.
California White Sage should smolder and not actually burn. You can burn your white sage in the bundles provided or break it up and burn it in a fireproof dish.
Always have a window or doorway that leads to the outside open when burning sage to allow any negative energies to escape.
Burn under supervision in a fire-safe container. It is often used in combination with other items or herbs such as Palo Santo wood, lavender, Yerba Santa, or Cedar.
Zanzibar’s herbs are collected or grown by a Native Californian on Indian reservation lands in a sustainable manner in Northern California.